国際ユネスコエコパークの日【11/3】記念イベント 「地域づくり交流会2024×郡上」を開催しました

投稿日: Posted in お知らせ高鷲エリア




「白山ユネスコエコパーク・地域づくり交流会」は、4県7市村をまわって開催しています。 次回は、白川村で開催予定です。お楽しみに!

November 3rd marks UNESCO’s International Day for Biosphere Reserves. To celebrate this occasion, we held the “Regional Development Exchange 2024 × Gujo” event on Friday, November 8, at Ork Hirugano in Takasu-cho, Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture.
This was the fifth Regional Development Exchange, bringing together people involved or interested in the activities happening in the Hakusan Biosphere Reserve Transition Area. Through lectures on topics such as the utilization of game meat, fieldwork like flora observation, and craft activities, participants learned—by “seeing and tasting”—about measures to protect our rich forests and nature, activities for coexisting with nature, and ways to incorporate nature’s blessings into daily life.
The Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve Regional Development Exchange is held across its seven cities and villages located in four prefectures. The next event is scheduled to take place in Shirakawa Village. Stay tuned!