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大会前日の9月27日(金)は、石川県内の白山手取川、能登、加賀、金沢の4コースのエクスカーションが行われ、全国から集まった参加者が水辺を訪れました。28日(土) ~29日(日)には、 30団体による発表、公開選考、交流が行われました。


From September 28-29th, the 16th Good River &Good River Development Workshop was held in the Hakusan Tedorigawa region at the Kinjo University Kasama Campus, with the theme “Connecting Ishikawa through river sides”.

The Good River & Good River Development Executive Committee has held this workshop annually in various regions across Japan since 1998, and this year it was hosted for the first time in the Hokuriku region, in Hakusan City. In support of the commitment to valuing and passing on the natural environment and flora and fauna surrounding rivers, the Mount Hakusan UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Council supported the event.

On the day before the workshop, September 27, excursions were conducted on four courses within Ishikawa Prefecture: Hakusan Tedorigawa, Noto, Kaga, and Kanazawa, where participants from all over Japan visited river sides. During the workshop on September 28-29, presentations, public screenings, and networking sessions were held, involving 30 organizations.