第4回白山ユネスコエコパーク・リレーシンポジウムin勝山 を開催しました

投稿日: Posted in お知らせ勝山エリア







The 4th Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve Relay Symposium was held in Katsuyama on Sunday, August 18th, at the Hakusan Heisenji Historical Exploration Center Mahoroba.
A talk show was held about climate change, and Mr Hisashi Oiwane, who has been working on raising awareness on climate issues, was invited to speak online as the coordinator.
Mr Oiwane talked about global warming, its effects, and the changes taking place around us, while answering questions from participants. It was a great opportunity to consider measures that need to be taken in the future.
During the break we chatted while enjoying locally made bread on the terrace.
We will continue to hold this event in the future, connecting the seven cities and villages in the Hakusan area, in the hopes of making everyone in the region aware of the Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve, while promoting cooperation between municipalities. The next event is scheduled to be held in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture.