
投稿日: Posted in お知らせ白川郷エリア





トヨタ白川郷自然學校は、自然体験型の宿泊施設として、白山の大自然をフィールドに、様々なアクティビティを提供し、人生を豊かにする人づくりに取り組んでいます。キャッチフレーズは、「Wild and Smile 天気が良い日は外に出よう」大人も子供もワクワクするような、大自然のなかで遊ぶことが大事だと感じさせられます。白山ユネスコエコパーク内の自然を活用した活動が広まるといいですね!


We held the 3rd Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve Relay Symposium in Shirakawa Village, on May 4th. This symposium is run in connection with 7 cities and villages, with aims to increase awareness of the Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve, and improve the connectivity of areas in the Mount Hakusan environment. Shirakawa Village is completely within the area of the Biosphere Reserve and alongside Gokayama, the Ogimachi area is registered as the “Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama” UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site. Under a light snowfall, a guide from the Toyota Shirakawa-go Eco-Institute showed us around the historic thatched roof houses. The speaking session was held at the institute, where the institute head Yamada with the help of coordinator Kuroda, a professor from Tsukuba University, held the session amongst a homey atmosphere. The Toyota Shirakawa-go Eco-Institute is an accommodation facility offering nature experiences. Among the large Mt Hakusan field area, they offer a number of activities, and are making efforts in capacity building of enriched lives of people. Their catch phrase is “Wild and Smile ” where they show the importance of enjoying nature for both adults and children. We hope their activities utilising the rich nature of the Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve continue to grow. This symposium allowed more people to learn about the activities being conducted in the area. Next time will be held in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture.