国際ユネスコエコパークの日【11/3】記念イベント 「地域づくり交流会@大野市」を開催しました!

投稿日: Posted in 大野エリア
  • 参加者の皆さんと記念写真

11/7(火)福井県大野市下打波集落にて 「地域づくり交流会@大野市」を、地元のおばあちゃんたち、ノーム自然環境教育事務所のご協力のもと、開催しました。



4県7市村をまわって開催しています。 次回もお楽しみに!


International Biosphere Reserve Day (November 3) Event On November 7 we conducted the Ono City Regional Development Exchange event in the village of Shimouchinami in Ono City, Fukui, with the support of local women and the Nomu Nature Environment and Education Office. People active in the Mt. Hakusan BR area and interested locals joined the event. We learned about growing horse chestnuts and making horse chestnut rice cakes. For lunch we made fresh horse chestnut and mugwort rice cakes and had them in Noppe Soup with wild vegetables. We are conducting these exchange events in all 4 prefectures and 7 municipalities of the BR. Look forward to the next one!
